SnapGuest d.o.o. Grajska cesta 24, 4260 Bled, Slovenia, (hereinafter: “Executor” or “SNAPGUEST”), the service is offered by SNAPGUEST

and all parties of the service provider − as parties that have subscribed, as well as those who are just testing the services (hereinafter: “User” or “Subscriber”;)

and shall be designated together with the executor below to the Agreement to the Agreement or to the Contracting Party, together with that document:



The Contracting Parties conclude that:

  • owns SnapGuest and maintains software/service/portal/application SNAPGUEST (support to renters in the registration and registration of guests, reporting to state institutions, managing this tax treasury, etc.), in SNAPGUEST;
  • that SNAPGUEST users are, as a rule, renters and / or users of the tax cash register;
  • that both Contracting Parties have a business interest in cooperating with SNAPGUEST software (hereinafter – “Service”);
  • that the contract is concluded for the purpose of protecting personal data;
  • this obligation applies to SnapGuest d.o.o. and all parties or beneficiaries of SnapGuest d.o.o. that use SNAPGUEST;
  • that SNAPGUEST has appointed an authorized data protection person available at or




The executor clearly declares that he is familiar with the content of the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the World (27 April 2016) on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General regulation on data protection and the data protection of the GDPRD).



The Contracting Parties conclude that, when performing services under that subscriber contract, the contractor will become familiar with the subscriber’s personal and confidential data, as a rule to a limited extent. Due to the nature of the activity of the perpetrator, it is clear that, when performing the services, the perpetrator will become familiar with the personal data of the lessor, in particular the guests, such as name and surname, date of birth, sex, number of residences, country of residence, country of birth and citizenship, nationality, duration of the tourist residence, subscription, purchase, purchase of the case of the tourist residence. employer, mobile number, e-mail, contact details, OIB in Croatia or tax number in Slovenia etc. or with some other personal data that the perpetrator may be accidentally familiar with.

The subscriber therefore empowers the contractor to process his personal data for the purpose of providing the services specified in this contract and the contractor accepts this power of attorney and undertakes to ensure the appropriate procedures and measures under the applicable personal data protection legislation and the GDPR.

Personal data from the records and the subscriber pool shall be protected in accordance with the legislation in force. This covers all necessary technical and organizational measures to prevent misuse and personal data breaches, which the perpetrator will be familiar with, meaning that the perpetrator will prepare his own rights to regulate his personal data protection (e.g. once a year, train employees on the importance and method of protection of rules for examples of personal data under the authentication, and supervise the security process; personal data, coding, multi-layer access the designation of an authorized data security person and other measures).



The contractor must enable the subscriber to exercise control over the execution of the procedures and personal data protection and security measures at the contractor, without the subscriber being allowed to significantly influence the regular performance of the contractor. The subscriber may require the contractor to provide information and report on the insurance of certain personal data protection procedures and measures which are the subject of that contract, as well as information relating to possible counterfeiters and other information on the fulfilment of the provisions of that contract.

The subscriber explicitly allows the contractor to assist himself in the performance of the service with potential subcontractors, provided that he takes due care of the appropriate personal data protection criteria of the contractors, which he will keep records of and deliver to the subscriber on request.

The perpetrator undertakes to be his employees and other individuals carrying out his/her work and duties, in which they may have access to the processing of personal data, compulsory trust or are bound by the law in force.



In the event of a personal data breach, the executor shall inform the subscriber in writing without undue delay. The executor undertakes to actively assist the subscriber, in the case of infringement or, for example, for an individual to respect his or her data protection rights under the GDPR or Slovenian legislation.



The contractor also undertakes to carry out certain activities relating to the processing of personal and confidential data of subscribers solely under that contract and not to process personal and confidential data for any other purpose. The contractor is obliged to terminate this contract, i.e., by decision of the manager, immediately return to the data which it has processed for him and copies thereof, i.e., it shall permanently destroy the data.

The Subscriber explicitly allows the Executor that personal data which are the subject of this contract may be anonymized at the same time, so that it becomes anonymous information, which is not related to a particular or individual concerned, but is anonymous in such a way that the individual to whom the personal data relates is no longer an individual to whom identity can be identified.




The contract is published on the website and

The client, or the subscriber, may request a written version of this document signed by both contractual clients.

In an example of conflict, the clients of the agreement will resolve the conflict by agreement, for example, that this is not possible, the conflict will be resolved by a court in Kranj, Slovenia.


Bled, 25.4.2022

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